Sunday, August 14, 2011

My friends, I wanted to take the time out thanking you for accepting my friendship on facebook. I was very happy, relieved and shock to know that people are reaching out to the public. To explain my situation, I've been incarcerated for (17) years serving a (LIFE) sentence for a hearsay (one) count indictment, drug conspiracy case. There was no physical evidence in my case. My case was based on convicted felons trading testimony for a time reduction of their own case. I have been a model inmate and have never been written up for any infractions of the penal system. However how does one begin to measure the loss of (17) years. It is immeasurable. At best one could list the events that were missed and allow one to imagine the emotion involved. My father died. My sister and brother died. My son was murdered. My two grandchildren were born. My children moved from toddlers, to pre-teens, to teens, and then adults. I did not rear my children.

Again the cost to my family is immeasurable. The statistics on children reared without their fathers is prolific and consistent. What hurdles may I expect for my daughters? Not to mention that my mother Ms. Alice Adams is elderly who still, despite the prostrations of her son, drives hours to visit me, sends money she does not have so that I may be able to call her on occasion. She suffers still with the desire to see her son released from prison, as does my children my siblings and of course my fiancée Ms. Jeanniene Brown, editor of "True Story". I need legal assistance in a very serious situation that is of public importance.

The judgment in my case can never be said to be final, this is because the judgment rendered in my Habeas Corpus 2255 was material and fraudulent. There's a case supporting my position called "Hazel- Atlas, the Court postulated a duty incumbent upon the courts, rather than simply authority, to act when confronting a fraud on the court:[s]surely it cannot be that preservation of integrity of the judicial process must always wait upon the diligence of litigants. The public welfare demands that the agencies of public justice be not so impotent that they must always be mute and helpless victims of deception and fraud.

I am asking this law School to assist me to re-open my case pro-bono. You can use my case as a class project because my case is a very important public issue.  Over (13) years, the district court judge, nor the United States Attorney’s office would acknowledge any wrong doing. Although I have submitted clear and convincing evidence, no one took the steps to protect the public's welfare from fraud and deception.

If there is any information needed any proof, I will be glad to submit upon request.
I thank you again and I pray that Justice will be done in my case.

Timothy Adams
Reg. No 42380-019
P.O. Box 420
F.C.I. Fairton NJ 08320

Ms. Jeanniene Brown, editor of True story.

(347) 394-9566     

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